Patents are granted for inventions in all fields of technology. An application for a patent can be directed to an appliance and/or a method. Before a patent is granted the application is subject to an examination by the Patent Office to determine the novelty and inventive step. In Germany, a request for examination must be filed within seven years from the date of the application or else the application lapses. The maximum term of a patent is 20 years.
We represent our clients in national and international patent matters before the German Patent and Trade Mark Office, before the federal patent court, the European Patent Office and before the WIPO. Furthermore we cooperate with numerous attorneys worldwide that supervise national patents in their respective countries.
Utility models are registered for technical inventions if such inventions are new and inventive. Methods cannot be protected by utility models. After the registration of the utility model (usually within ten weeks from the application filing date) it is possible to enforce the rights given by the registration.
Die Patenterie GbR
Patent- und Rechtsanwaltssozietät
Nürnberger Straße 19
95448 Bayreuth
Mo–Fr 8:30–16:00
Tel: + 49 921 | 50 70 86 0
Fax: + 49 921 | 50 70 86 26
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Vacher Str. 94c
90766 Fürth
nach Terminvereinbarung
Tel: + 49 921 | 50 70 86 0
Fax: + 49 921 | 50 70 86 26
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.